Tuesday, November 4, 2008

HK Trip 2008

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Basic Digital Photography Workshop 4

This is the 4th run of the basic digital photography workshop that I have conducted so far. I think it's the 3rd time over at Bishan North CC e-Club.

Here are the slides:

Please kindly give me your feedback here.

Thank you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Workshop on Basic Photography

Click here to download the slides.

Friday, September 12, 2008

eLife-Style: Blooging Workshop (12 Sep 2008)

1st run of the workshop at Hong Lim CC.


After the workshop, could you take about 5 minutes to feedback?
Click Here to take survey

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shokudo -- Japanese version of Marche

A friend brought us to this restaurant, located at Raffle City (Basement 1).
It's a Japanese version of Marche. Here's the char-siew ramen that I ate. Hmmm... Still like the taste of Kyo-nichi...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

E-Lifestyle - Blogging Workshop (3rd run)

This is the 3rd run on this workshop at Bishan North CC.

The Slides
Click here to download.

Course Evaluation:
Click Here to take survey

Sunday, April 20, 2008

MSHS 50th Anniversary Concert

Did you miss the Maris Stella High School's 50th Anniversary Concert @ the Esplanade?

Captured some of the clips.

My Neighbourhood 2

There is a garden in my neighbourhood, maintained by a group of residents, led by a residents' committee member, Mr Cheng.

My family planted an Avocado tree along our corridor but was worried of its growth (to a tree). Luckily, there is a garden here, so we sponsored our half-metre tall avocado tree.

See what other plants the residents grow...

My Neighborhood 1

It's my first time that I go around my neighbourhood on my bike.

Know what? I saw so many stray... cats...

But we do have a pure breed here..."American Hunter"...
Isn't it beautiful?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Blogging Workshop

Will be conducting a blogging workshop at Bishan North Community Club on 25 Apr 08 (Fri), 7pm to 9.30pm.

Here's the ppt slides.